Title: Maheshwari Rasta Saree, Zari Border, Red and Dark Red Color
Brand : Maheshwari Weavers
Catalog: Rewa Rasta
Fabric : Half Silk – Half Cotton (SI-CO) Maheshwari
Size: Saree Length - 5.50 Mtr, Blouse Length - 0.80 Mtr, width- 1.143Mtr (45 inch)
Pallu Description: Pallu of this saree is matching blouse, Zari border, Red and Dark Red Color and golden zari stripe.
Body Description: The body has horizontal lines due to which it is called Rasta Saree.
Body Work: Small horizontal lines
Blouse piece: Attached
Blouse: Saree has matching blouse of pallu, Zari border, Dark Red Color and golden zari stripe.
Border Description: Represents the workmanship built on the windows of the Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Maheshwar fort.
Border Size: Small
Border Type: Dobby Weave
Border Material: Zari
Border Color: Golden Zari
Primary Color: Red Color
Secondary Color: Red and Dark Red Color
Color Family: Dark
Material: SICO Maheshwari Weavers
Warp x Weft: 20/22 Denier silk x 2/120 double count gassed mercerized cotton
Pattern: Maheshwari Weaver's Rasta Saree
Category: Ethnic, Traditional, Daily wear
Occasion: Wedding, traditional Professional gathering, all seasons comfortable.
Weavers Details:
Mrs. Laxmi Bai has created this beautiful saree for you. Talk about her experience, she has 35 years of skilled weaving experience. They have a family of five members, with two children including a couple and a disabled brother-in-law, the entire family's only means of nurturing is by weaving Maheshwari handloom sarees. So, you can also help them in their livelihood by becoming appreciative of their art.
Special Instruction:
Color hues may slightly vary from that which appears in the image.
Wash Care: Dry Clean Recommended For This Product. Wash dark and light colors separately. Iron On Reverse. Do Not Bleach. Dry in Shade. Do not squeeze or wring
Minor irregularities is the uniqueness of handlooms and makes each piece exquisite
Returns/ Refunds not applicable on this sari because it is a exclusive sari.
Maheshwari Rasta Saree, Zari Border, Red and Dark Red Color
Traditional and beautiful. Red and Dark Red Color double tone Maheshwari Weavers brocade border saree adorned with paisley motifs looks beautiful in authentic Red Color. In contrast the Red and Dark Red Colored pallu add to the alluring beauty of the saree. The body has horizontal lines due to which it is called Rasta Saree.